Saturday, August 27, 2011

What is Wood Badge

The last two weekends, Ben and I were at Wood Badge. What is wood Badge? Honestly, two weeks ago, I would have said exactly the same thing.

My entire knowledge on the subject was This: Ben and I were going to a leadership training for scout leaders.

Two weeks Later: Oh my Gosh!!!! I can't believe we got lucky enough that I got to go!!!!!! It was totally awesome!

Not only was it a blast, (seriously, it was fun), but it was amazing. I now understand scouts in a way I never had before. I understand the beginnings, I understand the program, (I can actually help my boys now), and I learned so much about leadership, communication, and teamwork!

Terminology check: (not necessary, if you go, you'll learn!!!)
Patrols:the first day the group is divided into 8 groups of between 5 and 7 people. This is your "Patrol." You'll be doing everything with these folks for the next 6 days, get used to the idea! This is the group you do teamwork activities with, learning, and make friends that will last a lifetime.
Critter: each patrol is assigned a critter, Beaver, bobwhite, Eagle, Fox, Owl, Bear, Buffalo, or Antelope. Each person in your patrol will likely have a lot in common, and you'll find lots in common with your critter. My husband is a Bear. Nurturing, resourceful, totally awesome . . . (or is that part just my opinion). :-).
Gilwell: the main meeting place - historical meaning behind it, "Gilwell field" is the place flag ceremonies are held. Gilwell order is the proper order of the critters, as sung in the Gilwell song ... (order is Beaver, Bobwhite, Eagle, Fox, Owl, Bear, Buffalo, Antelope) - some rare wood badges have other critters.
Ticket: Wood badge is a two part process. The 6 day course, where you learn a TON - (often two 3 day weekends), and the practical application part which constitutes your "ticket." These are goals that you have written based on what you've learned, regarding your position in scouting, and goals you have. When your goals are done, you have filled your ticket, and you have earned your beads. You will have a beading ceremony, where you get a well earned neckerchief, leather slide, and two wooden beads. time limit - 18 months from date of your training course.

This training was totally awesome. Honestly I cried when I left today, it was amazing. I'm leaving with a new love and understanding of scouting. I have so much I can do to make my cubs learn more, and turn into the best young men they can be!!!!

If you ever have a chance to go to Wood Badge, do it!! they have scholarships to help out, many units will actually PAY for all or part of the training. and it's amazing!! Did I mention it's totally worth it? Your position in scouts will never be the same, you will accomplish more, be happier with it, and your boys (or girls if you are in venturing) will turn out so much better!!